We follow Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) inclement weather decisions. Please listen to the TV or radio for school closings and delays.
If AACPS are closed, Magothy will be closed.
If AACPS have a one hour delay, Magothy will open one hour late and alter end times for Furry (10am-12pm) and Froggy Friends (10am- 12pm).
If AACPS have a two hour delay, Magothy will have a two hour delay.
Morning classes (Fauna, Froggy, Furry and Feathered Friends (Wednesday only)) will be canceled.
Afternoon classes are not affected by a morning delay.
If AACPS have an early dismissal for weather, Magothy will post a schedule on ParentSquare.
Here is a link to the AACPS inclement weather page:
Use your best judgement, if you do not feel it is safe in your area to drive to school, please stay home!
This guide is intended to provide general information. If you have specific questions regarding your child's placement or the registration process, please ask your child’s teacher, our Director or the VP of Registration.
Yes. Potty training is a process. We do have some children come to school in pull-ups so they can try to go in our school bathrooms and develop potty independence. We do ask that you are working towards the goal of being potty trained at home. If a “stinky” accident occurs you will be called to come up to school and change your child.
Yes! We enjoy the splendor of all types of weather. When we have sunny days we often explore and play with shadows, light and all aspects of our outdoor classroom and trails. When we have wet and rainy days we discover how the trails look, feel, smell and sound different. We look for worms, tracks and have all kinds of muddy adventures. We jump in puddles and even do some rain fishing. When we have windy days we tie string to scarves/paper/containers to explore and play with the power of wind. On snowy days we bundle up to build with, play in, paint on and explore the snow. We discover how the snow makes our outdoor classroom feel, sound, smell and look a bit different. Finding tracks in the snow is like finding treasure! At Magothy, we embrace the weather and discover all of the amazing things each type can bring. We always closely monitor the weather and the children. In the event of dangerous weather we continue the fun inside.
It is essential that all children come to school prepared for the weather. Layers are necessary. Students will need waterproof boots, rain suits, warm jackets and snow gear.
Magothy is a unique program, deeply rooted in a child's natural learning style- PLAY and inspired by- hands, feet and heart embracing- NATURE! While we spend a majority of our time outdoors, we are not a Forest School. Magothy is best described as a hybrid program. We have many elements of Play- Based and Nature-Based programs but we also have elements of traditional Early Childhood (academic) programs too. Our programs have consistent rhythms to their day but not strict time schedules. We embrace flexibility and the interests of our students. Social and emotional growth, connecting with ones self and the world around them, is in everything we do. Our teachers are well versed in the Early Learning Standards set forth by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the development of preschoolers. Our unique program is designed with all of these components in mind.
It is Magothy’s policy that siblings are permitted to attend class with helping parents as long as they are safe, not disruptive to the class and you are able to perform the duties as a helping parent. Helping Parents often find it rewarding to be in class with just their preschooler. Some families will sibling swap and watch the younger siblings for each other during helping parent shifts.
Helping grownup shifts are typically once every 3-5 weeks and are scheduled ahead of time, so many of our working families can fit them into their schedule. Having a helping grownup who is invested in the program and part of the student's daily life is important, and required by our policy. That sometimes includes people other than parents, but those must be approved on a case by case basis by our Board.
It is hard to imagine what nap schedules may be nine months from now. Often times between registering in January and starting class in September big changes happen. Many times families report our afternoon students continue to take naps or have quiet time on their non-school days.
No, Magothy Cooperative Preschool does not have religious education in our programming.