I am registering more than one child. What is the Registration Fee?
The registration fee is $100 per family. Whether you are registering one student or multiple students. There is no fee to be on the wait list.
I am considering having my child complete a second year of PreK. How does that work?
Some families choose for their child to have an additional year of PreK before heading to kindergarten. If this is something you are thinking about please talk with your child’s teacher and our Director. Registering your child for an additional year of PreK works a little bit differently. You will need to turn in their Application on Registration Day, however their application will not be processed until all current families have been processed. If you are considering a second year of PreK as an option for the future you may want to consider a year of Finned Friends and then PreK. Please reach out to our Director or VP of Registration for details. Prior to the start of the school year, a waiver must be submitted to AACPS (or your county school system)
My child is not yet using the potty independently. Can I still register?
Yes. Potty training is a process. We do have some children come to school in pull-ups so they can try to go in our school bathrooms and develop potty independence. We do ask that you are working towards the goal of being potty trained at home. If a “stinky” accident occurs you will be called to come up to school and change your child.
I am not able to attend Registration. What can I do?
Since registration is conducted through email, you just need to make sure your application is emailed to us at the appropriate time. Most email clients will let you schedule an email to be sent at a specific time, or a friend or family member can send it for you. Please make sure the application is complete and a second choice option is indicated.
Do I need to turn in all of the forms at Registration?
The Application for Admission is the only form required to be turned in on Registration day. All other forms (Emergency Form, Health Inventory Part 1 & 2- including blood lead, Immunizations, Magothy Permissions and Helping Parent) must be on file prior to your child's start. We ask current families to update their child's file and new families to submit all forms prior to July 31st.
For a step by step Registration Procedure guide see the Admission Info and Process tab.