“I was hoping to find the perfect preschool for my child. I didn’t want her to attend just any old school, but an extraordinary school. A school where I felt that she would not only learn, but thrive! I started giving up hope on finding that until I saw an online flyer for the the Magothy Cooperative Preschool Fall Festival. I took my daughter to Magothy for the festival expecting to have just a few hours of fall fun, but instead found a whole new community. I finally found that perfect school that I had envisioned for my daughter.
The biggest priority for me was parent/teacher communication. I didn’t want to send my child to school and not know what she was doing each day. At Magothy I get daily updates and pictures. Even if I get the typical “I don’t know” response when asking my child what she did at school that day, I will still know the answer. Additionally, mentioning those updates that I had received will spark her memory and she will expand on them for me. I also love getting the opportunity to see firsthand what her school life is like when it is my turn to be the helping parent at school.
I feel safe with her teachers. They are very welcoming and helpful. I have a degree in Child Development and know that preschoolers learn best through play so I value that much of the curriculum is play based and child-directed. I think it is wonderful that most of her time is spent outside in nature. The outdoor classrooms are incredible!
I like that Magothy is not only focusing on the student’s education, but also on their personal well-being and confidence. They occasionally do yoga and work on breathing techniques. Each day before dismissal they recite the mantra, “I am bright. I am strong. I am balanced. I am kind. I am me.” - The Alexander Family
"Our Magothy story--We heard about Magothy initially through a friend whose daughter started in 2020, the year of the pandemic. She raved about her school, even when they moved to online classes. When we found a house in the area in the early part of 2021 and realized we were moving, one of the first things I did was apply to Magothy. My son was in need of some socialization! He stayed home with us through the pandemic; my husband and I took turns taking care of him and going to our hospital jobs. We were thrilled by the idea of an outdoor school that was based on play. Our friends already loved Magothy. We were initially wait listed but a few months later, got a call that a spot had opened up in the Froggy class for 2-3 year olds. When fall rolled around, I was really nervous. Our little boy spent everyday with either my husband or myself. He has a mild speech delay, and at 2, he had his own little language that my husband and I were fluent in, but what if he needed something and couldn't communicate it? He was barely potty trained. The thought of him spending an entire morning with strangers made me extremely uncomfortable. The pandemic wasn't over. I didn't know the instructors, and most of all, they didn't know our boy. But we knew he needed time around his peers and other people who didn't include his parents and grandparents. After the first couple weeks, my nerves were entirely put at ease. The teachers and staff at Magothy are truly wonderful and unique. You can just tell they love these kids as much as we do. I have learned so much about how to connect with my child through our experience at Magothy. I've been lucky to get to know so many wonderful families and watch our son learn and grow into a confident little boy. This past year, I've been given an opportunity to have more of an active role that includes attending board meetings and have been able to witness firsthand how much thought and effort goes into keeping the school running. The staff is truly committed to these kids. We just wish he could stay and attend kindergarten here!" -The Wierschke Family
"Our child loves everything about her time at Magothy. I wish you all could hear how excited she gets when we pull into the parking lot. From the start to the end of her day, you all make it so special for her. On our drive home she sings every song, recaps every lesson and even repeats the mantra with all the ways she was bright, strong, balanced and kind. Thank you for making everyday fun and magical. " - The Harpers
"Our child's time at Magothy has been incredible all thanks to the wonder teaching team. I love how excited she would get telling me about the insects that they saw, or how her teacher made her laugh. The people at Magothy have nurtured and allowed our daughter to grow into the kind and bright child I knew her to be. Thank you so much!" - The Murrays
Join us for Spring Fest on Saturday, April 26th at 10am. Check out our event link for details and activity information.